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Yonge Dundas Square


I was taking a course at Ryerson through work and had my camera with me. Went over the Yonge/Dundas to play. Looked up. Saw this.

Late Night Photo Road Trip


So what do you say when a friend randomly contacts you at 11pm - telling you there is a full moon and they need to get their "photo of the day". Well, you go on a road trip, silly. So we did. Then we had all-day breakfast at 1am at Zet's on the airport road strip. My stomach was not happy the next morning. But it was worth it.

LEAF Pine Point Planting


I do a lot of volunteer photography for LEAF. This was an annual planting at Pine Point park with Toronto Hydro. Tonnes of kids and adults planted hundreds of trees this morning along the side of the 401. 10 years from now, it will be beautiful.

The ROM via Cameraphone


I hardly ever use the camera on my phone. But I was walking by the ROM today and thought the sky looked pretty awesome. I am a big fan of awesome.

Christie Pits

Christie Pits

First time out playing with the new camera in Toronto. A friend loaned me her 16mm lens... at ISO 2500 on the 5D

NYC Minutes

NewYork. Homo StreetAppleStore on iPad release Day

Two views of NYC on the same day. Easter Sunday.

One from Chelsea.. and one from the upper east side. That's the Apple Store on the weekend that the iPad was released. If you build it and promote the hell out of it - they will come. In droves.

Central Park Flip

NewYork2010 - Back flips in Central Park

Central Park on the Easter Long Weekend was a gong show. We had a hard time finding space to walk, let alone enjoy the park. The great thing about this photo is that I was not looking when I shot it. I saw him doing flips as I walked by and just held my camera down and shot behind me as I walked past. Lucky.

Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge


The bridge was so crowded with people walking, jogging and riding their bikes. I'm not sure what the people who thought they could cross it in a hurry were on.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . click on any photo to view it on flickr

..all content and images copyright kanchan maharaj inHerEye photography. stealing is bad. very bad..