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May 23 - Day 7 - Fjords, Alcoa, Calcite and south to Berunes

Iceland Day 6 - Eastern Fjords - Alcoa Plant

the beautiful Fjord was ruined by the Alcoa Aluminum plant. why they had to put it right there.. no idea. .. oh wait, I know why...

Iceland Day 6 - Eastern Fjords-5

Iceland Day 6 - Eastern Fjords-10

Iceland Day 6 - Berunes Sunset-4

Iceland Day 6 - Berunes Sunset-5

Iceland Day 6 - Berunes Sunset

Iceland Day 6 - Berunes Sunset-2-2Iceland Day 6 - Berunes Sunset-7

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..all content and images copyright kanchan maharaj inHerEye photography. stealing is bad. very bad..